Primary Care DoctorsObserving an X-ray

Demystifying Annual Check-ups: What to Expect from Your Primary Care Visit

Annual check-ups with your primary care doctor are an essential part of your healthcare routine. They give you the opportunity to discuss any health concerns you may have and receive preventive care that helps keep you healthy. However, if you’ve never had an annual check-up with your primary care doctor, you may be unsure of what to expect. In this blog post, we’ll demystify annual check-ups with your primary care doctor and break down what you can expect from your primary care visit.

Medical history and review of symptoms

During your annual check-up at a primary care clinic, your primary care doctor will take a detailed medical history. They will ask you about any current health concerns you may have, as well as any past medical conditions, surgeries, and hospitalizations. Your doctor will also inquire about your family history of illnesses. Additionally, your doctor will review your symptoms to determine if there are any new or ongoing health concerns.

Physical exam

After reviewing your medical history and symptoms, your primary care doctor will perform a physical exam. This exam may include checking your blood pressure, taking your temperature, listening to your heart and lungs, examining your eyes, ears, nose, and throat, and palpating your abdomen. Depending on your age and gender, your doctor may also perform a breast or testicular exam.

Screening tests

Your primary care doctor may order certain screening tests during your annual check-up to help detect potential health issues. These tests may include blood work to check your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, a mammogram or a Pap smear for women, and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for men. Your doctor may also recommend a colonoscopy or other screening tests based on your age and risk factors.


Annual check-ups are an excellent opportunity to get up-to-date on your vaccinations. Your primary care doctor may recommend flu shots, pneumonia vaccines, or other vaccines based on your age and health status. Vaccinations are a critical part of preventive healthcare and can protect you from serious illnesses.

Preventive care recommendations

Your primary care doctor plays a crucial role in providing primary healthcare services to you and will provide you with recommendations for preventive care based on your health status and risk factors. These recommendations may include lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, or medications to manage chronic conditions. Your doctor may also provide you with guidance on managing stress and mental health.

Building a relationship with your primary care doctor

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of annual check-ups is building a relationship with your primary care doctor. Having a trusted healthcare provider who knows your medical history and can provide personalized care is invaluable. Over time, your primary care doctor will get to know you and your health concerns, making it easier to diagnose and treat any health issues that arise. Additionally, having a good relationship with your doctor can make it easier to discuss sensitive topics, such as mental health or sexual health.Primary Care Doctor’s Stethoscope

At Bristol Primary Care, we want to demystify annual check-ups for you. Our experienced primary care doctor is dedicated to providing comprehensive adult primary care and primary healthcare services, including routine check-ups, physical exams, and screening tests. Contact us to schedule an appointment at our primary care clinic in Terryville and learn more about what to expect from your primary care visit. We are committed to helping you take control of your health and well-being.